DxLaunch cross-chain expansions

Get the insights about what’s coming next: Upcoming cross-chain expansions, tokenomics, liquidity, and more!

2 min readMay 11, 2022


After taking off in BNB Chain, cross-chain expansions will be deployed - with approval of the community through voting polls. We will share everything you need to know about DxLaunch’s cross-chain expansions in this short article. Continue reading!

Expansion plan | Cross-chain roadmap

After the Community Sale and Presale, $DXL will launch on BNB Chain (commonly known as BSC), one of the strongest and most renowned chains in DeFi.

Shortly after, the DxLaunch protocol will expand to Fantom and Avalanche. There’s no stipulated date for this, holders will decide through voting when and which expansion occurs first.

We’ve already partnered with DeFi projects, Media portals, and DeFi Communities & Influencers in those chains to maximize benefits for our community.

Once the community chooses which chain will DxLaunch expand to, applications for a presale will be immediately opened. This will provide enough time for holders to research the projects and take a safe vote.

Technical advantages - No supply increase

Expanding into new chains can be done in multiple ways, and of course, some of them are more profitable for holders and some others for project owners. We’ve taken the community-friendly approach!

Expansions won’t occur through Presales → No more tokens will be minted after launch.

In order to get these expansions to really benefit the DxLaunch protocol, we have planned it in a way in which the buying pressure of the $DXL token is increased, at the same time that the circulating supply keeps stable.

Part of the liquidity on the BNB Chain will be moved over to Avalanche and Fantom to support trading in every chain. And the bridge will be filled with enough tokens to support a fluid activity.

Benefits for $DXL holders

Not only they will benefit from a very important price raise, due to an increased buy pressure combined with keeping the supply stable, but they will also obtain new investment opportunities.

If you have benefits in BNB Chain, when we expand into Avalanche and Fantom, you will enjoy the same benefits there! You just need to bridge your tokens over and enjoy exclusive discounts, more hard cap to participate at the presales, vote, earn, and more!

How to bridge?

One of our most valuable partners is Multichain. They will support bridges for both DxLaunch itself, and all the cross-chain protocols that pass through our launchpad.

After the bridge is deployed, users can simply go to https://app.multichain.org/#/router and send their tokens from one chain to the other one.

More details about $DXL tokenomics here

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DxLaunch is a decentralized launchpad protocol that democratizes crowdfunding through DeFi and DAOs. || #1 Partners Network in all DeFi