Upcoming Multiple Presales

Find out all the details about the upcoming presales of the $DXL token and the official launch date

3 min readMay 30, 2022


After a very successful Community Sale, where we filled the 3 phases with 100%, we are now targeting the presale phase. Due to the current market status, we decided to postpone the presale date for a little less than one month. The timing is a strategic variable that has a very big impact on the performance of the presale and must always be taken into consideration.

Why do we have both a Community Sale and a Presale?

Building a strong community that truly believes in the protocol and will hold in the long term takes some time. Users need to DYOR (“Do Your Own Research”) in order to really get to know the fundamentals of the project, the team, and its connections.

That being said, the Community Sale was a great way to raise initial funds to run the project, while building a strong community. That allowed the users to research peacefully and join with an exclusive discount as early members of the community.

It also allowed us (DxLaunch team) to continue expanding our Partners’ network and further strengthen our ecosystem.

But that’s only a small portion of the total funds that we will raise. Most of the funds will be raised on 3 presales and will be used to support DxLaunch operations, including liquidity, bridges, marketing, and partners agreements, among others.

The presales will also have a discount to encourage early members to join the protocol. It will be smaller than at the Community Sale, but still very attractive.

Upcoming multi-presale details

We will have one presale on our own platform, but in order to create more engagement and further nurture our community, we will also have one more presale on another project platform.

1️st presale - DeFi Launch

🗓️ Start date: June 24th, 20.00 UTC
🏁 Finish date: June 25th, 20.00 UTC
📌 Place: bsc.defilaunch.finance
🪙 Token used to buy: BUSD

💸 10% discount → $0.346
💰 Amount to be raised → 75,000 BUSD

2nd presale - DxLaunch

🗓️ Start date: June 27th, 20.00 UTC
🏁 Finish date: June 28th, 20.00 UTC
📌 Place: app.dxlaunch.fi/presale
🪙 Token used to buy: BUSD

💸 10% discount → $0.346
💰 Amount to be raised → 75,000 BUSD

💵 Listing price → 1 $DXL = $0.40 BUSD 💵

All the $DXL tokens sold at each one of these presales will be distributed with the same vesting periods, and the liquidity will be added and locked in the same exact way.

The only difference between each presale is that the platform where it will be held is different, aiming to increase awareness and maximize participation in the presale.

Having a good performance on the $DXL presales will create a path of easier growth of the protocol in the short-term.

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DxLaunch is a decentralized launchpad protocol that democratizes crowdfunding through DeFi and DAOs. || #1 Partners Network in all DeFi