DxLaunch valuable partners

Find out how will all our partners collaborate with every project that launches on our platform

3 min readJun 26, 2022


Having many recognized and successful partners not only increases the visibility of DxLaunch but also helps the protocol get stronger and collaborate in meaningful ways.

We have several categories for our partners, such as DeFi projects, Media partners, Audit companies, Tech companies (blockchain software factories), DeFi communities & influencers, YouTubers, and more.

We will describe an example of a hypothetical case where a DeFi project chooses DxLaunch for its launch, and how some of our partners can help that project achieve better performance.

1st stop → Audit 🛡️

Being audited is essential in today’s DeFi ecosystem. After lots of examples where projects got hacked, most presale investors demand high levels of security before they participate in a project.

Certik, DeFi Shield, HashEx, and Paladin are our Security partners, offering exclusive discounts (5–10%) and faster timelines to get the smart contracts audited.

2nd stop → Marketing 📢

Increasing the exposure in the DeFi landscape is not an easy task, nor a cheap one. Using the most adequate media portals is key to maximizing the return of every marketing investment.

We facilitate discounts and fast-track with the most recognized media portals, such as DappRadar or Dapp.com, as well as crypto Twitter accounts like Bsc News, BNB Swap, DeFi Eagle, Fantom Space, Avaxholic, and more than 20 other accounts.

We also provide direct contact with the most organic and active DeFi communities on Telegram and Discord, where project owners can pitch their projects to potential investors.

If you want some even better content to communicate your project? Check the Youtubers that are part of our network and get a review with amazing discounts!

3rd stop → DeFi Partners 🤝

This is where most projects find a lot of difficulties. Which DEX to add their main liquidity? Is there any optimizer willing to build a vault for our token? What about portfolio trackers?

This and many other questions can be tricky, but luckily DxLaunch is here to help with all that. Our self-service platform will allow project owners to choose the DEX that best suit their needs, and check all the requirements & benefits that each of them demands to do an official partnership.

After the DEX is chosen, the project owner can explore portfolio trackers, optimizers, bridge support, and many other projects where they can get a valuable collaboration and further nurture their protocol.

Other partners 🌐

Every project has its strengths and weaknesses. And for that we have more partners ready to help cover all the details and make sure everything is being taken care of.

  • Do you need to develop complex features? Call Reblox Solutions and get both technical assistance and development from the most talented experts with vast experience in the industry.
  • Are you having a hard time building your communications team? Call Admin Guru and build a dream team of admins, mods, community managers, and every position you need to keep fluid communication in your socials and grow your community.

We have a lot of partners and we are getting more and more every week. Not only to increase visibility but aiming to offer the largest and most valuable partners’ network in all the DeFi ecosystem.

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DxLaunch is a decentralized launchpad protocol that democratizes crowdfunding through DeFi and DAOs. || #1 Partners Network in all DeFi