Dx Launch & BSC News Partnership
Announcing our first media collaboration with one of the biggest crypto news platforms.
An effective PR & Communication strategy is essential to any project — especially during a new project presale and launch. We’re excited to announce that BSC News joined our ecosystem as a Media Partner. Get the full details!
About BSC News
BSC News is the leading media platform covering DeFi on BSC, now rebranded as BNB Chain. They work to inform and educate the crypto community through their web, social media, newsletters, podcasts, research, and special features.
With 483K Twitter followers, just think of the visibility this partnership can bring to our community!
About the partnership
From our experience in DeFi, we know it’s hard for newborn projects to contact and work with big players, and we aim to facilitate that process. Since BSC News is now part of our ecosystem, they will be available in our contacts portfolio for team projects to approach them.
The digital portal has proven experience in marketing and advertising Protocols and tokens. Thanks to the partnership, projects that launch on Dx will get a special discount in marketing campaigns on BSC News. This can provide quality expansion to newborn projects, at a more friendly and exclusive budget.
This is just the beginning of a partnership that can sure grow in the long term. We’re excited to see our community make the most out of this collab!
Join our community:
- Website: dxlaunch.fi
- Community Sale: app.dxlaunch.fi/community-sale
- Twitter: twitter.com/dxlaunch_fi
- Telegram: t.me/DxLaunch
- Telegram Announcements: t.me/DxLaunchNews
- Discord: discord.gg/NMS6HMVM9v