AMA RECAP — Autofarm

Did you miss the AMA? Don’t worry, you can still enjoy it here

9 min readJul 15, 2022


AutoFarm is the main optimizer partnered with DxLaunch, offering auto-compounding vaults and the most convenient fees in all the network for both $DXL and the projects that launch on our platform.

As part of our partnership, we were invited to their main Telegram community for an AMA. In case you haven’t got a chance to attend, here you can read it peacefully.

AMA Start

  • Ric
    AMA begins in few minutes
    hey @Grumpy4, are you around?
  • DxLauncher
    Hey Ric! I’m here, yes.
  • Ric
    So, we’ll start the AMA session now. The channel will remain locked for the duration of the AMA. We’ll ask some questions regarding how the protocol works so our users can learn all about our latest partner DxLaunch.
  • Stefan
    Check out DxLaunch:


  • Ric
    /lock all
    /welcome off
  • DxLauncher
    Thanks, Stefan!
  • Ric
    Welcome, Marcos!
  • DxLauncher
    Hey Ric! Thanks for having me here.
  • Ric
    What means AMA?
    The acronym “AMA” means “ask me anything,” and it’s commonly used on social media sites. An AMA is a type of informal interview in which the interview is open to questions from the public

Nice to have here too!

So first thing, could you present yourself? :)

  • DxLauncher
    Of course! Good afternoon everyone and thanks for the invitation. My name is Marcos and I have been working in the social media and communication team of for the last 5 months!

I bring this community a new proposal that comes to generate innovations in the crowdfunding phases of the decentralized space. is a new concept of launchpad and I hope you guys like this new approach

  • Ric
    Thanks for the presentation!
    And how about the rest of the team? How many are you?
  • DxLauncher
    In communication and social media, we have 4 people. We also have the development team made up of 4 Sr developers and the marketing team made up of 2. In total, we are 10 but I know that the team is looking for more!
    We also have a team of ambassadors that is growing little by little.
  • Ric
    Very good.
    DxLaunch, what’s their experience in DeFi and Finance, it’s your first project?
  • DxLauncher
    It is not the first project developed by the team. They have worked separately on different projects before.
    The team has experience of more than 2 years developing in DeFi. (You’ll see the dApp once its live and check that experience)
    The idea of DxLaunch arose precisely because they understood that launching new projects was what needed to be improved in DeFi.

The challenge is to create a product that only launches good decentralized projects. You’ll see what the main features are. It's all about good projects and good development teams.

  • Ric
    This is awesome!
    Could you explain a little more about the tokenomics and how it works?
  • DxLauncher
    Yes! of course:

Inicial and Max Supply: 3,830,500DXL (NO MORE $DXL WILL BE MINTED)

(14.7%) Locked Liquidity: 562,500DXL
(11.4%) Community Sale:
— 1st round: 119,048DXL
— 2nd round: 145,349DXL
— 3rd round: 170,455DXL

We are now waiting for the PRESALE… (Stay tuned to our socials)
(21.8%) Pre-sale: 833,333DXL
(25.8%) Marketing:
— 1st: 400,000DXL with a vesting period of 1 month
— 2nd: 350,000DXL with a vesting period of 2 months
— 3rd: 240,000DXL with a vesting period of 4 months
(11.8%) Partners: $450,000DXL
(9.1%) Pool Rewards: 350,000DXL
(3.1%) Team & Devs: 120,000DXL
(2.3%) General Reserve: 89,815DXL

Here I leave more information. The most important thing to keep in mind is that $DXL does not have inflationary mechanisms. That the team will have a very low percentage and that it will also have vesting and liquidity locked. Safety is the priority.

Guaranteed growth… 💪💪

  • Ric
    So you have a token. What is the role it plays in the ecosystem?
  • DxLauncher
    Yes! But the system here is different than normal launchpads. See why: Take into account that not all projects that want to launch in will be able to launch. All projects need to be approved first by our community holders!!

Having a strong token is essential to the growth of the protocol. That’s why the $DXL token has several utilities, encouraging users to hold on to the long-term.
1. Voting power: In order to vote on the decisions of DxLaunch and which projects will launch on the platform, users need to hold $DXL.
2. Apply for presale / Start a poll: There is a fee to post any of these, that’s refunded if the poll reaches the quorum. If it does not reach the quorum, those $DXL tokens are burned.
3. Participate in a presale: In order to invest in a presale at DxLaunch, you need to have $DXL tokens and stake them in any of the available pools of our platform.
4. Earn: $DXL holders will be able to stake their tokens in the pools of our own platform, as well as pair them with other tokens to stake on our partners’ farms.
5. By staking $DXL you’ll be able to vote in the weekly polls where projects submit to be able to have a presale date. Users who vote will earn rewards. YES, by participating in governance you’ll earn VOTING rewards… 💪💪
* After each project launch on our platform, a 30 days pool is automatically deployed.

  • DxLauncher
    The innovation is with DAO features. Of course. The community with $DXL is the center of the project.
  • Ric
    Ohoh, very interesting!
    So it brings revenues for the platform and team
    I wanna go a little deeper regarding launch
  • DxLauncher
  • Ric
    Can you describe in a short way how a project can get listed and what are the criteria to successfully launch?
  • DxLauncher
    Yes. DxLaunch allows any development team to create their presale proposal and also allows anyone to invest safely and anonymously. Innovation is the key to success!
    We believe in decentralization in all the steps of the life of a project, including launch and incubation, but at the same time, we acknowledge the necessity for security and confidence for investors. DxLaunch provides a reliable platform for developers and teams to pitch their projects and communicate directly to investors and a secure and governed platform for investors to discover the next successful DeFi project. But holders are the ones who decide….

To keep it short: Projects need to have a good proposal and complete all the submit in

Follow step by step to create your presale.
After this: A poll will be created for $DXL holders to vote. If the quorum (15% of staked tokens) is reached and the poll has a majority of positive votes, it will be approved

If your proposal is approved by the community you can choose the pre-sale date according to the availability of the calendar!

  • Ric
    This is an innnovative approach
    Very nice
  • DxLauncher
    Yes, it is. Thanks, Ric
  • Ric
    Security and Safety are very important. How is your approach and how do you work on this subject with the projects you launch?
  • DxLauncher
    Good one. I’ll name a few of the security measures we are having.

Governance: Each project must be subjected to a vote from the holders in order to be accepted at DxLaunch. Holders and the community will have all the information on the projects and a forum to discuss the project. We’ll encourage the research of the projects!!

Audit & KYC: We have several Audit companies which will be collaborating with us, such as Certik, HashEx, DeFiShield, and Paladin, among others. Audit companies are being whitelisted on the site to they can confirm the audit and KYC done by the project wanting to launch…

Locked Liquidity: 100% of the liquidity will be automatically added by our smart contracts and locked for 6 months, in one of our DEX partners according to what the project has chosen. Very important.

The project funds are going to be Vested: The rest of the funds available for the project will have a vesting period, automatically executed by our smart contracts.

Security Fund: 1.5% of each presale goes to a security fund, to be used in case compensation is required. Innovation by the in case compensation to the community is required.

All these measures are important for us and to our community.

  • Ric

Yes they are very important, particularly during this period, when many exploit and rugs happened

  • DxLauncher
  • Ric
    Have you applied for a Bug bounty program?
  • DxLauncher
    Not yet. We are talking with 2 projects that are dedicated to bug bounty and contract insurance. We’ll see if we get one. The safest thing is that once the platform is live we will have one to improve the dapp even more.
  • Ric
    Good one!
    This question is very important…
    Why did you choose to partner with Autofarm?
  • DxLauncher
    We have a partners ecosystem that’s separated into the following categories: DeFi Projects, Audit Partners, Media Partners, DeFi Communities, DeFi Influencers, and Crypto YouTubers.
    From DeFi projects such as DEX we have made several agreements.

We were missing a great optimizer to include in our ecosystem. We know that it is a great added value to have Autofarm among our collaborators and I am sure there will be many (successful) projects with LPs in some DEX and an autocompounding Vault in autofarm. The autofarm community will be happy with the new products they launch at 💪

  • Ric
    Thanks for your words! We are also excited to have you as a partner and we are impatient to see your products!
    In which chain are you present actually?
  • DxLauncher
    The chain that most needs to improve and that we can help to improve the most is the BNBchain. They have big problems with presales and new projects. will be great to improve that chain.

After the product is tested by the community we will launch it on other chains. Always keeping the same tokenomics and ensuring the strength of the token

  • Ric
    Ok thank you
    Another question
    What differences do you have with your competitors?
  • DxLauncher
    DxLaunch is not like any other launchpad. Its a NEW concept of launchpad…

In order to carry out a presale at DxLaunch, each project must comply with several security measures that are carried out automatically by our smart contracts.

But also very important, the same $DXL holders are the ones that have the decision of whether or not to accept a project to make its pre-sale in DxLaunch. In the event that the vote is overwhelmingly positive, only then will the project be allowed to select a date for the pre-sale.

In this way, the same investors are the ones who previously carry out the corresponding due diligence of each project, which means that the projects launched are really interesting.

The focus in is the good protocols. Good development teams… We see this is the way to improve the ecosystem. We are here to help.

  • Ric
    This is very different from competitors and I’m sure you ll have great success!
    So, I have one last question, before opening the channel again…
    But before that, could you share all your socials and official website?
  • DxLauncher
    Check out DxLaunch:


Join us….

  • Ric
    Thank you!
    So last one…
    People always want some juicy alpha, something to be excited and look up to the future
    Do you have something upcoming you can share with us? Upcoming projects, features and so on…
  • DxLauncher
    Here is our roadmap!

I remind you that the PRESALE is in less than a MONTH…..
I can let you know that many launches are coming since we are whitelisting projects interested in learning about dxlaunch….

By the way, I’ll share an insight… (🤫) for those who are eager to see what’s coming…

The date is approaching and we’re almost ready to launch!!

I also share a youtube video telling you what is

  • Ric
    Once again, thanks for sharing
    And many thanks for more for taking the time to share about DxLaunch here at our channel!
  • DxLauncher
    Thank you Ric!

Welcome to DxLaunch’s community 🐐




DxLaunch is a decentralized launchpad protocol that democratizes crowdfunding through DeFi and DAOs. || #1 Partners Network in all DeFi